Welcome book – Roo Knows Blue
Watch Isabelle and Jason from Pitney Bowes read ‘Roo Knows Blue’

‘Roo Knows Blue’ is the first book children receive from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Australia. Babies can enjoy the vibrant illustrations and rhythmic story, while older children can join in Roo’s colour play and help “read” the book.
Roo knows Blue Resources
Activity pack
Our partner Penguin Random House has put together a great activity pack for Roo Knows Blue, to download a copy click here
Tip sheets
Our tip sheets are full of information for making the most of reading time, they are created specifically for each book. Roo Know Blue by Renée Treml is one of our beautiful books suitable for all ages. We have made the tip sheet available below with help and advice for each age group from 0-5. Click on your preferred language below to download the tip sheet.